Friday, November 16, 2007

Nanchang- Orphanage!

Hey ya'll! I miss you guys sooo much. For some reason I forgot to publish a couple of posts so I'm publishing them right now. I really miss ya'll and you better miss me. Scroll down cuz there's lots of new pics! Go on the youtube thing too and I'll try to put more videos up there but it takes 4EVER!

Today we went to the Nanchang Orphanage where Chi Chi has been. Before that though we had breakfast downstairs and Chi Chi was adorable. She was blowing me kisses!! Awww! She is so cute and she just sits there stuffing her face and laughing. She loves it now when I look back and forth with just my eyes... it's hard to explain. Jasmine also came over and played with Chi Chi too! Chi Chi is the smartest baby in the whole group and I love her!

This morning I was sitting on the desk and she picked up the hair dryer and then pretended to dry her hair! It was soo cute! I turned it on and blew it in her face a little bit and she cracked up!! She is soo funny.

Then it was time to go to the orphanage. The orphanage that Chi Chi was staying at is the only one that they let you tour because our agency (Holt-adoption agency) funds it. We loaded the bus and it was a long ride there.

When we got there we could see the huge building. We were first looking for Chi Chi's abandonment spot. It was near the gates of the orphanage somewhere but Lisa told us that the mother wouldn't be able to go in that far. So she probably abandoned her by the road leading there. We didn't know the exact spot though.

We walked into the orphanage. It was very clean and it was HUGE! It's nothing like I would have expected...dirty, small, full of lice. No! It was really pretty and it had a big play ground. Chi Chi ran right towards the big sea saw. She was playing and having so much and she wouldn't leave. All I could do was video tape it because Chi Chi was angry at me again and only wanted to hit me.

Then we went upstairs to the baby unit. This is where Chi Chi probably was. There were tons of baby girls and they were so cute. There were only a couple- about 6- care takers though. All of the babies were sleeping- nap time! They were so cute.

After that we went to a place called the group homes. It is this big building with 3 floors that holds like... 24 people or so. There are 2 'parents' on each floor with 6 'kids.' This teaches them to live in a family and do family jobs and such... It is very neat. While we were in there, a lady recognized Chi Chi. She told us that the foster mother had come to the orphanage to ask how Chi Chi was doing in her new home. They told her that she was very happy and that she had 2 older sisters and young parents. Young? Ya right!-lol!! Anyway, she was an experienced foster mother (unlike the others I think) and she knew she could not see her because the transition would be even harder. We can send her pictures though and gifts which is good. She was a really good foster mother though because Chi Chi is sooo trained.. she shakes hands, walks well, runs, runs and walks upstairs, cleans up after herself, knows if she does something wrong, and is very aware of her environment. I am very thankful to her.

Then we went to the knitting group. It is where some specials needs kids are taught to knit. These people aren't kids though, they are older and they stay there if they haven't been adopted- sometimes they stay in the group homes. This way the girls with special needs can make some money. We all bought a quilt and it made their day!

As we were leaving the orphanage, Lisa came up to us and told us that she had gotten a copy of the birth note from one of the ladies there. The words on the birth note broke my heart. I cannot remember it word for word but it basically said:

My husband left us and I have no job. I really want to keep her but I cannot. This is the only way. I hope one day kindhearted people will keep her (-or something like that, I can't really remember... something about adoption.) She was born July 23 at 3:30 pm.

Isn't that sad! My parents started crying and my dad was holding Chi Chi really tightly and he was crying 2. Ok, this is the third time I have seen my dad cry over Chi Chi. To tell you the truth the whole situation was very sad, but it was very awkward because everyone was crying. I love her so much and I am so happy that her mom loved her enough to leave her at a nice orphanage and really wanted to keep her. It's so sad but I am so happy that she is with us now.

After the orpahage, we went to the hotel and ate lunch. Chi Chi was stuffing her face, as usual, and I made her giggle. After that we took a nap and played outside with the other babies for a while. Then we went out to eat at this restaurant and Chi Chi let me feed her and everything. She was nice to me there and let me walk around with her with the occasional slap in the face.

When we got home we gave Chi Chi a bath and she went to sleep with a fuss again. For some reason she keeps crying every night when we put her to bed. It is so sad. She cries Mamamam.. not just mama. It's so sad. But during the day she is fine.... weird.

Tomorrow we are leaving for "The White Swan Hotel" and I am soo excited! I am so happy to get out of here! The hotel is soo westernized and they have American restaurants and everything. I just found out that I can watch 'Alias' on the TV. Yeah Leslie, I know what you're thinking! Lol!! jk! I am so tired and I miss you guys so much. Katie- I can't wait to get back and I actually miss you-lol-jk! I know you miss my 24 hour singing right-lol! Sorry Lester, I can't send you any of those texts cuz it costs a fortune! Tell everyone I said hi ok!

Oh, by the way, Chi Chi is an amazing singer. She walks around singing ba bo ba bo. Yep, she'll fit in great! Bye!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww. tori.
i miss you a ton! i can't wait till you get back. i'm calling you right away! :) i promise that ari is going to be happy when you get back because i have beating her up down well. haha.
miss you!